"a huge waste of time"
-this game like any other, is SUPPOSED to waste time.
"game is done and people still knocking crap like this out"
-If the game is "dying" then yes, you SHOULD achieve any dreams you had before the servers close.
-if 4(5 with 1hr) is crap, then you don't do much of the endgame do you.
Casey, I bet whatever it is you do outside of FFXI is super *** valuable to planet Earth. You coming here and commenting so negatively on someone else's leisurely achievement gives me all indications of such. Nice troll. Would reply again.
@Caseyanthony since you think the game is a huge waste of time... quit... make everyone a little happier they dont have to deal with negative and rude people like you. @ Didey Congrats ! harp is a pain, be proud of your achievement.!!!!