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Screenshots » id:75909
Monk 68 maat
Score: 3.88
Votes: 25
Classification User » Tilemon
Date Submitted 2015-02-05 04:06:43
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Commentaires (7)
Odin.Shaggnix[Report] Score: 18
2015-02-05 12:33:04
Valefor.Sapphire[Report] Score: 5
@ Odin.Machorz spirit perpetuation cost was changed awhile ago.
At that level its only 4/tick. If you used a yagudo drink and/or a vile elixir you can have the spirit out for a very long time.
2015-02-05 22:36:47
Phoenix.Gameesh[Report] Score: 0
Was confused a sec how you did Asuran Fists on level 68, but I guess you have hand 2 hand merits from PUP then?
2015-02-06 05:01:33
Asura.Kingnobody[Report] Score: 0
Wait, how does a MNK68/No Sub have a water spirit out during a Maat fight?

@Sapphire: He had full MP when the CS started, and no form of refresh up (MNKs do not have refresh gear at 68). He may have used a vile elixir prior to the SS, the time it takes to use Asuran Fists after using a vile would at least knock off half of the MP from perp.
2015-02-06 10:29:42
Carbuncle.Tilemon[Report] Score: -2
thought i was going to be in trouble till trusty water spirit finished him off
2015-02-05 04:16:59
Odin.Machorz[Report] Score: -4
@Shaggnix: fine, but how MP does have a MNK 68? Spirit drains 15MP/tick on lvl 75
2015-02-05 15:02:00
Cerberus.Conagh Montrer Score: -19
"Hi I beat Maat at 68 MNK, by using a Pet, that I don't have, because I cheat, because I can't do what everyone else did back in the day in a Legit method, even after 90 updates to my Weaponskill damage that give me a 85% bonus, and I still suck because I nearly died if I hadn't cheated" Did I miss anything? Oh right. Congrats!
2015-02-05 12:31:56