I did solo the fight. Other people were there, but they just stood there. I was actually clearing the fight for Lancind and Aljernon. They didn't interact the whole the time, just spectated. So yes, I did solo the fight.
It's amazing people have the balls to post screenshots at all. Unless you're posting the picture of a model Mandau, or a cool FF drawing, or possibly even an Aymur screenshot, you're not getting rated high.
Then again, this screenshot is one step above a 119 player posting a screenshot of his victory over Warchief Vatgit.
Ah. Vatgit. The low level Sandy rite of passage. I remember how fun it was clearing out ghelsba for fire crystals back when you were able to farm actual mob items instead of just battlefields. I was just a little Rdm, thinking I was awesome because I could handle all those top floor orcs inside the hut. Then I saw that big ***. "CHARGE!" I said, forgetting aquaveil like a dumbass, and I paid dearly for my mistake.
I got off-topic. Sorry. I'll leave you with an ffxi penis joke.
What do you call an endowed puppetmaster? Well-Strung.