@Apocalus ~ It's all good your Hatred makes me stronger ~ This isn't a screenshot of my Damage, this is a Friends Damage, so no bragging rights on my end, simply wanting to show you how strong a Corsair can be in Skirmish.
@ Cziella ~ I know right!
@ Stereo ~ I don't what you're smoking, but can I get a drag?
@ Machorz ~ This isn't Abyssea, this is outside Abyssea where we don't have brews, and you don't ever have to see a damage picture, you can choose not to look ~ Sorry if that never occurred to you ;)
@Apocalus great comment; @Conagh: how often do we have too see a DMG picture? I dont think there is anything left after brew, takes x-dmg or w/e super-duper effect is on! We saw all picture of any kind of dmg.