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Screenshots » id:74639
With a little effort, I managed to recreate the sword Roy uses in Smash Bros Melee as a greatsword. Next, I'll add Ike's from Brawl.
Score: 8.76
Votes: 51
Classification Player » Jeanpaul
Tags datmod greatsword fireemblem smashbros
Date Submitted 2014-07-28 15:11:13
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Commentaires (8)
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 11
It makes me happy that there are still people making dat mods for this game. <3
2014-07-28 19:15:23
Asura.Loire[Report] Score: 4
Only comment i'd suggest is that it does look a little too bright for the top of the blade itself
2014-07-28 18:18:31
Sylph.Jeanpaul[Report] Score: 4
Yeah, I need to touch it up before I release it, there's an issue I'm having with the light hitting the tip very awkwardly. I think I have the solution though, so I should be able to release the .dat for all races soon.
2014-07-28 18:29:32
Ragnarok.Nemesio[Report] Score: 3
Looks amazing!
2014-07-28 18:41:01
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: 2
Looks nice
2014-07-29 02:53:17
Sylph.Thorsson[Report] Score: 0
So that is what your Aetir looks like! I always wondered why I always see you on RUN. Pretty neat!
2014-07-29 16:58:43
Asura.Twillin[Report] Score: -3
Zicdeh has spoken!!!!

What a joke...
2014-07-29 03:46:59
Odin.Zicdeh Montrer Score: -11
Buzzkill mode engaged:

It's a fantasy game I get it, I can overlook the ridiculous size, the lack of a distal taper and overlong grip.

But since this is shown on a Rune Fencer (emphasis on fencer) you need a Sword that has a functional crossguard. The current one cannot catch a blade sliding down the length of the edge. Which means your opponent can keep their momentum and recover from a swing faster, or worse, go right for your hand.

10 for effort anyway!
2014-07-29 02:14:28