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Screenshots » id:74259
Launched it 8 years ago....Always finish what you have started. :)
Score: 5.90
Votes: 29
Classification Player » Shempie
Tags Spharai
Date Submitted 2014-06-01 04:51:15
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Commentaires (3)
Leviathan.Comeatmebro[Report] Score: 15
and it takes someone who knows how to make gil 10 days

that doesn't mean this person didn't work hard for it, is it really worth posting just to put them down? maybe they don't have as much playtime as you, maybe they did other relics/projects in the meantime, most likely they quit for a couple years in there..
2014-06-02 10:03:12
Ragnarok.Fasaga[Report] Score: 2
Congrats on beating the game Lsvtec, you must be really strong.
2014-06-02 13:39:37
Leviathan.Lsvtec Montrer Score: -22
took you 8 yrs? wtf mine took me less the 4weeks
2014-06-02 09:32:46