@Draylo, I'm not trolling, I posted to update some of my FFXI friends on what I've been doing and I did have every job at 99, 2 relics, 3 empy, gave up @ 15k Alex. towards a mythic, completed about 95% of quests and finished all missions except WotG, SoA and never reached Captain. I played FFXI for about 10 years.
I didn't know I was ridiculing FFXI or calling it an "old game"
@Draylo, because I played 11 since the NA release and I'm still genuinely interested in 11. Aside from this being ffxiah, there's no reason for the hate.. I thoroughly enjoy the more laid back experience after the 11 grind. The game has been out for 6 months, of course it doesn't have the content ffxi has which seems to be everyone's argument. It's still an image hosting website. I shouldn't need to defend it, but people don't need to click ff14 images to comment?
You can't get a full myth set for 1 job in a month, or even a full CT set. Would take some crazy luck to get a full allagan set too... You can argue that there's nothing to do in the game after Monday each week, but no way you can "finish" the game in a month
How can you finish a game that didn't even start? It is only 6 months old.
It is still in tutorial mode to help people be prepared progressively to harder contents in the future.
takes ppl less time to finish ffxi's main story line (pre expansions)and possibly even all but the latest expansion's story lines as well. doesnt make ffxi a "dumb game".