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Screenshots » id:73663
Mr Hero - Behemoth
Score: 2.27
Votes: 85
Classification Player » Murman
Tags Minion-Whore
Date Submitted 2014-02-17 04:18:50
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Commentaires (11)
Cerberus.Pleebo[Report] Score: 18
I too hate being reminded that other games exist and feel compelled to rate this screenshot down.
2014-02-17 20:55:13
Ragnarok.Murman[Report] Score: 5
@Draylo, I'm not trolling, I posted to update some of my FFXI friends on what I've been doing and I did have every job at 99, 2 relics, 3 empy, gave up @ 15k Alex. towards a mythic, completed about 95% of quests and finished all missions except WotG, SoA and never reached Captain. I played FFXI for about 10 years.

I didn't know I was ridiculing FFXI or calling it an "old game"
2014-02-18 00:47:16
Ragnarok.Himsaa[Report] Score: 4
@Draylo, because I played 11 since the NA release and I'm still genuinely interested in 11. Aside from this being ffxiah, there's no reason for the hate.. I thoroughly enjoy the more laid back experience after the 11 grind. The game has been out for 6 months, of course it doesn't have the content ffxi has which seems to be everyone's argument. It's still an image hosting website. I shouldn't need to defend it, but people don't need to click ff14 images to comment?
2014-02-17 18:42:45
Fenrir.Stiklelf[Report] Score: 2
So I take it all of you saying it's a bad game have cleared coil turn 5?
2014-02-17 14:46:44
Fenrir.Deno[Report] Score: 2
@ Drayco

You can't get a full myth set for 1 job in a month, or even a full CT set. Would take some crazy luck to get a full allagan set too... You can argue that there's nothing to do in the game after Monday each week, but no way you can "finish" the game in a month
2014-02-19 00:04:08
Bahamut.Scaevola[Report] Score: 2
I just got my first 50 in 14.

It is a really polished, well-thought-out, and fun game that takes absolutely zero risks and adds basically nothing to the genre.

It doesn't necessarily need to be more than that.
2014-02-19 13:21:27
Cerberus.Detzu[Report] Score: 1
How can you finish a game that didn't even start? It is only 6 months old.
It is still in tutorial mode to help people be prepared progressively to harder contents in the future.
2014-02-19 10:38:23
Siren.Stunx[Report] Score: 0

takes ppl less time to finish ffxi's main story line (pre expansions)and possibly even all but the latest expansion's story lines as well. doesnt make ffxi a "dumb game".
2014-02-17 14:16:59
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: -2
I was referring to Himsaa who appears to have deleted his comment lol.
2014-02-18 21:38:39
Asura.Regicide[Report] Score: -3
dumb game toke me 1 month to finish it
2014-02-17 10:55:35