It's unfortunatly a very luck based fight and it's probably not possible to win solo without Seraphicaller but I think two well geared SMNs with Eminent Sachet could succeed.
Pet MAB helps a lot for Flaming Crush and the fight is not necessarily over after a wipe, if you have enough RR items/Ethers you can Dia II/BP one ADL to death, DoTs are removed after each summon however.
Full rAF+1, 119 Mythic, pet level 121, Esper Earring. Not surprised a SMN with that gear could do this. Good job though all the same, took a lot of time to gear up for it I'm sure.
That is very impressive grats :)
@Refia the Augments on hagondas couple with seraphiicaller and the 40% to blood pact damage on the Mythic all contribute to the high damage I assume.