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At the risk of taking just another mythic pic I thought I’d stop to SS real quick here, and for good reason. Simply put I farmed ALL my alexandrite, I didn’t buy from bazaars, so I wasn’t leaving five mules afk in a FC cruor pt for blinkers, or fish boting, or hackling nyzul for 10mil pieces, not that I have anything against you who do, but simply so this doesn’t look like just another mythic pic. I duo boxed salvage everyday and trio boxed salvage (about 3 times of the week when Vhyihza worked, and always manually,.. I don’t like whm bots or /assist.) for over a year and a half.
Score: 6.55
Votes: 88
Classification Player » Mesic
Date Submitted 2013-08-27 05:32:23
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Commentaires (10)
Bismarck.Oldmancebi[Report] Score: 15
I'd commend you, but you use Windower..
2013-08-31 14:37:10
Asura.Voevode[Report] Score: 9
Your description makes the assumption that everyone who buys Alex uses illicit ways of achieving that amount of gil (like bots/clipper/rmt), rather than any number of other ways.

But I'll ignore that and say congratulations on your accomplishment ^^
2013-09-01 09:11:07
Odin.Brozzzz[Report] Score: 2
You didn't ride the airship to nashmau, so it doesn't matter.
2013-08-31 18:42:20
Bismarck.Hsieh[Report] Score: 2
Congrats. You could have just left out everything after the first sentence really.
2013-09-02 21:33:35
Ragnarok.Matriel[Report] Score: 1
Congratulations Mesic, well earned :)
2013-08-29 04:10:43
Phoenix.Atropine[Report] Score: 1

@the detractors...if you want to be contentious, just don't post.
2013-08-29 04:20:46
Odin.Jassik[Report] Score: 0
Congratulations! Something earned always means more than something bought.
2013-08-28 21:33:36
Fenrir.Mesic[Report] Score: -3
@Voevode: I dont consider those ways illicit otherwise id also be against them, sure thats not how everyone who buys alex goes about buying it, but I'm sure its how the majority of them do. Standing around jueno searching bazaars & shouting isn't the same accomplishment as farming all your own.

@Josiahfk, If you wanna pretend effort put into an accomplishment means nothing simply because they're the same reward then yes...sure...people who afk fish bot over night "earned" their mythic just as much as i did.

@Squishy. Did I say I'm holier then you for farming over earning gil to buy? When you have to make assumptions in order to find a problem to pick a fight don't you feel stupid jealous? I never said it was hard to solo...? No pride should come from lacking efficiency (btw bots and /assist aren't more "efficient" just easier to manage chars with) sure, and no assumption should come from a simple explanation of how i like to play the game.
2013-09-03 20:04:57
Odin.Cett Montrer Score: -12
Gratz, tossing this out there though... FC cruor pt for blinkers would be way more work now than farming alex 40 minutes a day three boxing in salv II... not sure why this was relevant to you :P
2013-08-28 19:33:40
Phoenix.Morier Montrer Score: -14
You act like buying alex is bad.No reason you could have done both and got it faster.Pretty dumb thinking you are holier than thou because you killed mobs.
2013-08-28 19:16:07