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Screenshots » id:72065
Pya'ekue belt +1
Score: 7.83
Votes: 54
Classification Item » Pya'ekue Belt +1
Tags Pya'ekue belt +1
Date Submitted 2013-07-23 23:51:12
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Commentaires (6)
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 10
In fact, it's exponentially cooler than a Sonic +1.
2013-07-24 01:41:37
Bahamut.Longsnake[Report] Score: 8
If we want to get really specific it's 167% cooler than Sonic +1...
2013-07-24 09:54:40
Bahamut.Yoroitsune[Report] Score: 5
You're right, it's even cooler !
2013-07-24 01:04:57
Bahamut.Oakozric[Report] Score: 3
@Bahamut.Longsnake actually if you're going to go down that road, it's 100/60% cooler (or 166.66% repeating cooler), you rounded up and that's misleading. you're suggesting it's roughly 0.4% cooler than it is and that's a mistake.
2013-07-25 14:47:05
Cerberus.Deadplaything Montrer Score: -11
Kim kardashian's garter belt 1,000,000% better
2013-07-24 11:05:55
Phoenix.Ayrendel Montrer Score: -28
Not as cool as a Signed Sonic+1
2013-07-24 00:49:47