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Screenshots » id:71331
Got Mythic 99-2's working^^
Score: 1.82
Votes: 66
Classification Player » Attribute
Tags Sick aftermath and nice glow!
Date Submitted 2013-05-29 17:42:19
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Commentaires (10)
Bahamut.Attribute[Report] Score: 7
Its called Private Server mods >.>
2013-05-30 02:55:06
Sylph.Trebiont[Report] Score: 7
I noticed the capital D in the taru's name before any of the other stuff. :/
2013-05-30 15:33:09
Asura.Zizek[Report] Score: 6
omg u have a maats cap?
2013-05-30 09:41:28
Odin.Machorz[Report] Score: 5
u r so cool! did ur dad built you a school only for u so u can be best in your class?
2013-05-30 09:50:08
Odin.Potpressure[Report] Score: 5
People playing XI in 3rd world countries now? When did $13/mo become too much?
2013-05-30 11:02:24
Carbuncle.Rehvenge[Report] Score: 3
That awkward moment when you have to play the cracked version of the game to get what you want.
2013-05-30 22:59:16
Phoenix.Kbizzle[Report] Score: 3
I see the doctor, where is the TARDIS?
2013-05-29 21:57:31
Lakshmi.Zyphos[Report] Score: 3
It really says something about the difficulty in obtaining R/M/E when it's the +700 stats, and not the sack full of weapons that draws attention.
2013-05-30 04:23:27
Asura.Lilbuttons[Report] Score: -1
@Potpressure - Most private servers aren't at the current retail version. I play on one that's 75 content, because I like 75 content more than current. Looks like this guy players private so he can have all the crap he wants, when really it's 100% pointless because there's zero sense of accomplishment when the server he's on practically hands you the gear.
2013-05-31 01:18:53
Quetzalcoatl.Talizorah[Report] Score: -4
The frik do you have +757+++ all stats?
2013-05-30 01:04:14