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Screenshots » id:70422
99 Log -
Score: 5.86
Votes: 63
Classification Player » Kaiseredge
Date Submitted 2013-04-01 13:09:36
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Commentaires (9)
Siren.Kalilla[Report] Score: 15
Always nice seeing a 99 club, but I have to ask, why not get a Mjollnir instead?

Great job though, looks like the first person to 99 it, or close to it.
2013-04-01 14:08:31
Bismarck.Kaiseredge[Report] Score: 14
I decided on this club as it is more suitable for my play style. Mjollnir more for straight DD - Yagrush more for backline.
I'm more of a tank while this club allows me to dd and get hp/mp back in large quantities. So I can still do my job and DD without the mp worry.
2013-04-01 14:23:55
Bismarck.Tebryn[Report] Score: 6
Woo! Grats Edge! Dude tanks better on WHM than a lot of PLDs I know...
2013-04-01 14:26:26
Bismarck.Asterian[Report] Score: 6
Congratulations sir!
2013-04-01 14:27:35
Shiva.Moogleking[Report] Score: 6
Looks like Wesker from RE.
2013-04-01 14:30:45
Ragnarok.Phettyx[Report] Score: 4
Congrats on the club Edge.
2013-04-01 18:21:24
Lakshmi.Neboh[Report] Score: 2
You sir have given me inspiration in DD whm!
2013-04-01 17:36:57
Bismarck.Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh[Report] Score: 2
Grats, Kai!
2013-04-01 22:10:04
Cerberus.Taint[Report] Score: -4
99 Club on Cerberus as well. Such excellence.
2013-04-01 14:22:40