This is still a kind of good weapon to some degree the terror effect triggers a lot even on strong nms like sobek. It also gains tp really fast for trigger hitting and spam resloution even if hitting for less dmg. Now if they would just let us have a way to upgrade this liek they did with sky weapons it would be a truly awesome weapon for rune
I never really fell in love with the oversized weapons that much. Same w/ verethragna. just seems too impractical to be usable. but everybody has their own likes.
Gonna have to disagree on this one. I actually disliked this model because it feels like they tried to make it too cool looking causing it to be really bulky and fat. Same issue with Jingang. It certainly fits well with the Shadow Lord, but not an adventurer. Rag will always be my favorite weapon model in the game simply because it's such a slim weapon. This is purely my preference. To each is own.