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Score: 3.85
Votes: 48
Classification Player » Kryseis
Date Submitted 2013-02-17 15:14:52
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Commentaires (7)
Bismarck.Ihina[Report] Score: 13
>Trouble no one about their religion.

Sure, as soon as religion stops troubling everyone else. I'll also pass on demanding that people respect my views. If my views are faulty, I would want people to criticize them. If my views can't stand up to criticism, then they aren't worth having.
2013-02-18 00:32:32
Bahamut.Megrim[Report] Score: 3
Its funny how of all this insight still everyone posts comments on 2 lines vs the entirety of the message.
2013-02-18 15:10:04
Lakshmi.Danntay[Report] Score: 1
The people who are so intolerant of religion are just as foolish as the religious fanatics who are so intolerant of everyone else. Point is neither of those groups are the majority.
2013-02-18 07:46:34
Shiva.Kryseis[Report] Score: 1
excatly Megrim :/
2013-02-18 18:34:47
Asura.Ina[Report] Score: 0
I've always felt that you can respect the views/beliefs of another while still disagreeing with them personally. I'm not saying anyone's views shouldn't be discussed/questioned/defended but at the end of the day having that discussion and disagreeing with someone does not automatically have to mean disrespect.

It might not be the best way to handle things, or might not even make sense... Just my 2 cents not that 2 cents matters.
2013-02-18 12:40:05
Quetzalcoatl.Khidir[Report] Score: -2
The religion that troubles everyone else is the religion misrepresented and too twisted to be associated with people that practice it properly. I'm sure people that practice a religion void of life malintent and destruction correctly are of no threat to anyone.

There is a definite problem with people being jaded by events which hampers their ability to see the shades of grey and dissect reality for what it is.

That I will always criticize.
2013-02-18 09:01:40
Odin.Jassik[Report] Score: -2
Religion brings war and tragedy to everyone's door, religious and atheist alike.
2013-02-18 10:03:53