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Screenshots » id:69420
Ghorn 2x Excal
Score: 5.84
Votes: 19
Classification Player » Wess
Tags Relics
Date Submitted 2013-02-09 21:04:48
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Commentaires (3)
Bahamut.Samunai[Report] Score: -1
10 for originality of poses :O hack em down! sing for strength!
2013-02-11 09:31:37
Bahamut.Fulgrim[Report] Score: -1
You stabbed the Bard Mr Red mage D:
2013-02-11 13:38:18
Bismarck.Ruizutatakau[Report] Score: -3
Lith likes to be Flonked, Wess beats his 3 year old daughter with books and Reaper is addicted to internet porn. Nice try guys, those relics don't make you good people or players.
2013-02-11 13:45:58