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Screenshots » id:68859
Ascetic's Fury WTF?! Damage
Classification User » Silverware
Tags "Ascetic's Fury" Monk
Date Submitted 2013-01-05 00:24:03
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Commentaires (13)
Asura.Bluespoons[Report] Score: 59
Are we related?
2013-01-05 11:20:32
Leviathan.Yogurt[Report] Score: 8
2013-01-05 10:53:03
Lakshmi.Neboh[Report] Score: 0
Just to bring you up to speed, but people aren't impressed with dmg inside Abyssea. Do it outside on something challenging then you might get a double take. I was excited when I first broke 9k too but later realized it's not that uncommon really.
2013-01-06 00:26:52
Cerberus.Smacksterr[Report] Score: 0
Name more interesting than picture
2013-01-07 03:41:05
Ragnarok.Kukukues[Report] Score: -2
most likely changed his weakness to blunt, but that's still a nice number
2013-01-05 10:48:59
Siren.Taruina[Report] Score: -3
i wish i could rate this, pussy.
2013-01-05 11:29:57
Leviathan.Catnipthief[Report] Score: -3
oh oh can I butthurt on this picture too?
2013-01-05 15:19:55
Carbuncle.Pwnzone[Report] Score: -5
woooowwwwww, thats it??
2013-01-05 11:01:42
Fenrir.Itchi[Report] Score: -8
Meezly 10k? you should have broke 20,000 but even then the post would be meh abysea.....
2013-01-05 18:05:26
Carbuncle.Israfelx Montrer Score: -11
Woot Guard skill up! Wait this is 2013...
2013-01-05 14:03:27