9 years, 5 retirements and 3 attempts to build, I've finally accomplished my ultimate goal in ffxi! There are many thanks to be said throughout the years, and while the importance of this has lost it's luster for it's now a dime-a-dozen achievement, I consider this more of a sentimental trophy dedicated for the many who have come and gone on this long journey of mine. Let us first summarize and give thanks to Dienamis linkshell, my first Dynamis LS who got the Attestation of Vigor and Necropsyche for me back in 2005. I would also like to thank Grand Design for helping me obtain the Tenebrous Fragment in 2009. Ultimately, there are too many people to name but this relic was built and is not solely mine for it's entirety also belongs to one of if not my best in-game / become RL brother, Seshu. Since the Dynamis Updates in 2010, we have gone inside farming currency for me and though we retired in Feb 2012, we came back 9 months later and put in 2 months more of work to finish HIS and MY relic. Again, my heart and gratitude go out to all who have been there for me during this journey and though I may not specify each one, you know who you all are! Much love and yes, I troll'd and muled back my 75 gear just for the screenshot! Had it all at 75 cap, just didn't have the weapon! #Missionaccomplished |
Score: 8.85
Votes: 187
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Player » Pilipinoboi |
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Date Submitted |
2012-12-04 03:52:43 |
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