104+12 Smithing, 70 Goldsmithing, 70 Leathercrafting as shown in my profile.... so yeah I'm at T1 unless your math shows otherwise, Ragni. Good ***though Caclaxer, what's your overall record?
@Teknyc if subs are over or equal to 60 you don't have T1. I had same problem with Cursed hauberks -1 Smithing 103+6 (+Smithing stall)Cloth 70/GS 70 and i was 2/76. When i got +1 GS head and used Cloth advanced imagery (so my smithing was 103+3 + smithing stall, GS 71 Cloth 73) - my results were 4/39. So please don't tell me that i had bad luck before ^^ 0/57 means T0 or mega ultra over 900 bad luck. And i doubt that high lvl craft have subs below 60.