WHY ON EARTH would someone return something like this? Sure, you're capitalizing on someone else's mistake. So what?
If you're selling something, its your job to make sure that you're posting it for the right amount.
"Oh, think of all the work the person/linkshell put into this." So maybe they should have been more careful.
You see someone way overpay for an item and the responses are "Haha, dumbass." Why is it only the buyer that has to be careful. Seller f'ed up. Not the buyer's fault.
Ouch. Those commas are there for a reason, so selling for 100(ish)k instead of 1M is a little difficult unless you're one-hundred-percent absent-minded.
100,000 vs. 1,000,000. If the commas weren't there, it would be an honest mistake, but it's sad not to notice the lack of a second comma... if 1M is really what they were going for.