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Screenshots » id:65472
Score: 5.17
Votes: 24
Classification Player » Crawlerbasher
Date Submitted 2012-05-05 21:42:13
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Commentaires (6)
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: 3
Someone has clearly never heard of TE's...

On topic; Damn, that's a *** ton of stones. o_o
2012-05-07 07:01:35
Sylph.Shadowfox[Report] Score: 2
Welcome Back! Assuming you took around a year or so off because that's how many stones I had left when I got back.. And getting back, it doesn't look like it takes 1600 stones to make an empy so I'd just ignore Aeil.
2012-05-07 05:09:58
Valefor.Rancor[Report] Score: 0
Lots of stones usually means lots of Empy because you have no reason to enter abyssea other wise any more. My brother and I have duod about 8 empys now and we would be considered "Casual" players compared to most on our server. We both have 1k+ stones as well .-. yay stones! (if only we could sell them)
2012-05-08 10:59:42
Bahamut.Wildcrd[Report] Score: -1
Funny i have around 1400 stones and you can see i have an empy. I am working on another one and have helped friends.

Just because you waste your time in aby doesn't mean everyone does.

I was wondering when someone was gonna post a high number of stones.
2012-05-08 06:48:33
Ragnarok.Yokyumosheemo[Report] Score: -1
Seems to be common anymore.. alot of people have way over 1000 stones.. I have an empy, i may have to make another one after i finish my mythic just to put some of my stones to use.
2012-05-08 08:41:06
Cerberus.Aeil Montrer Score: -47
Didn't realize people attempt to show off that they have no empy's on here.
2012-05-07 01:56:33