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Screenshots » id:65315
Score: 5.07
Votes: 43
Classification Player » Lilangel
Tags FF8
Date Submitted 2012-04-24 18:17:09
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Commentaires (12)
Remora.Thinblade[Report] Score: 12
I'd wager the Random Card Rule was single-handedly responsible for many alcohol problems in the 90s.
2012-04-24 23:49:41
Bismarck.Helel[Report] Score: 7
Gonna have to disagree with the best storyline comment... It was extremely fragmented and poorly presented. Not to mention the multitude of strange coincidences that were thrown into the mix. Inc pwnage =/
2012-04-24 21:04:51
Bahamut.Lilsanchez[Report] Score: 5
It's a unique game. FF8 is personally my favorite because of the GF system and battle style. It does have a strange storyline but its pretty hype throughout the entire game. Pretty damn fun to play. Sure as hell makes you wanna play the entire game in 1 sitting.
2012-04-25 04:54:37
Fenrir.Mewgoat[Report] Score: 3
zell and his hotdogs. i loved this since it was my first of the ff8 series and got me into them
2012-04-25 00:10:14
Quetzalcoatl.Khidir[Report] Score: 2
I'd say it's more along the lines of any sort of greatness relating to FF8 comes from Squall and Rinoa and their relationship and Laguna and Squall's sister. If it didn't feel like they were the ones carrying the real storyline and just not stunt doubles like the rest of the comparatively flat characters maybe it'd be better because of a broader range of possibilities to enrich the game from different perspectives rather than just 3 or so.

Gaaaah! Leg Cramp!
2012-04-25 00:40:55
Fenrir.Tsuji[Report] Score: 0
My favourite FF.
2012-04-25 16:27:41
Sylph.Chrisstreb[Report] Score: 0
Draw System was the worst concept of its time. Even worse than the 'skillup' system of FF2
2012-04-25 21:47:22
Fenrir.Saitohajime[Report] Score: -1
2012-04-25 23:40:05
Bismarck.Rinomaru[Report] Score: -3
*the* best storyline
2012-04-24 21:01:23
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: -3
I really like FF8, but if there was one thing I had to say I disliked about it, it was the storyline. XD Sorry, but FF8's plot just plain sucked. Nearly everything else about it was really good, though.
2012-04-25 02:35:11