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Screenshots » id:64968
Death by blindness!
Score: 1.50
Votes: 60
Classification Player » Tricant
Date Submitted 2012-04-06 19:45:47
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Commentaires (7)
Cerberus.Corphish[Report] Score: 11
2012-04-06 20:56:43
Siren.Fupafighters[Report] Score: 4
@kirana It's showing an azure light on a melee swing. That's what they see.
2012-04-07 00:13:29
Shiva.Mortechai[Report] Score: 2
Either this is an old SS before they fixed the error, or they got azure light from blind. Thats what the OP finds so hilarious.
2012-04-06 23:21:47
Bismarck.Grizzlie[Report] Score: -2
Xaver Casts, but Tricant kills.. Yeh Blind killed..
2012-04-07 02:37:47
Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn[Report] Score: -6
i don't even...
2012-04-06 21:04:49
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: -7
That's...really weird.
2012-04-06 20:16:15
Cerberus.Aeil Montrer Score: -13 .... i'm lost for words to describe the pointlessness of this SS.
2012-04-07 01:22:24