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crazy fishing skill ups, one pelican ring equipped/used. Continuation of the first chatlog
Score: 1.14
Votes: 7
Classification Player » Toshii
Date Submitted 2012-03-23 23:37:14
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Commentaires (3)
Valefor.Philemon[Report] Score: 1
Since you can get skill-ups of different magnitudes (for example a 0.1 and a 0.2), I think it's pretty much doubles the probability of getting a skill-up. So yeah, it doubles the number you get.
2012-03-25 16:49:56
Sylph.Sgttrainbike[Report] Score: 0
Pelican ring stacks. It increases the chance of getting a skill up. There's also a chance of double and triple skill ups from having 2 ring enchants on. Check the fishing thread on here.
2012-09-14 04:02:23
Valefor.Tommygun[Report] Score: -2
Pelican ring actually lets you get double skill ups. Like if you get a .2 you will get another .2 from it. It doesn't increase the amount of skill ups you get.
2012-03-25 13:16:05