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Screenshots » id:64642
Score: 3.09
Votes: 23
Classification Player » Nooblet
Tags dring
Date Submitted 2012-03-19 13:39:13
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Commentaires (6)
Bismarck.Fluffytaru[Report] Score: 1
im so small im not even on the SS! D:
2012-03-20 01:20:09
Asura.Tamoa[Report] Score: -1
Just adding to what Nekonarf said - TH has absolutely no effect on Defending Ring dropping or not. KB will ALWAYS drop either ring or Pixie Earring, with the latter having a much higher drop rate obviously.
2012-03-20 05:57:15
Ragnarok.Baconchips[Report] Score: -1
Grats. We're about 0/30+ since it went to pops...
2012-03-19 19:40:43
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: -1
TH only plays a roles in abjurations and mats, not the ring itself, grats :)
2012-03-19 20:13:44
Sylph.Sukasaroth[Report] Score: -3
Grats man, idk what the deal is with dring lately but 3-4 dropped on our server in the last month. 2 of our ls mates got 1/1 on it. Ninjad drop rate or pure luck.
2012-03-19 17:53:48
Bismarck.Nooblet Montrer Score: -12
Dring 1/1 x2 thf and TH12 :) 900k trigger, was after mlegs..... Today Nid also dropped ebody and mbody for me too! {Luck}
2012-03-19 13:40:32