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Screenshots » id:64246
Score: 3.50
Votes: 72
Classification Player » Ashleyapao
Date Submitted 2012-02-23 13:26:21
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Commentaires (17)
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: 134
Just a suggestion, lose the piercings.
2012-02-23 16:44:09
Siren.Mosin[Report] Score: 102
no he's right, lose the piercings
2012-02-23 17:06:09
Fenrir.Emirii[Report] Score: 83
No piercings hun, they don't flatter you at all.
2012-02-23 20:01:38
Fenrir.Mesic[Report] Score: 48
you shouldn't have distractions from your natural face on your face, you're not ugly or something
2012-02-23 19:24:17
Odin.Liela[Report] Score: 14
I love the color of your hair. It's kinda like honey and toffee mixed together to make one pretty color.
2012-02-23 20:45:04
Gilgamesh.Chibiclone[Report] Score: 13
You should learn to sleep lighter... someone took a stapler to your mouth.
2012-02-23 23:37:27
Bahamut.Xindarti[Report] Score: 1
I know its not the popular stance on here, but normally I love piercings (and/or tattoos) on a girl.

HOWEVER, as a fan of piercings, did you not think of size? If you had gone with a much smaller hoop of a smaller gauge, it would fit your face better.

You're still young, so you can take those out and they will heal.

Then, look at yourself in the mirrior. If you're really still wanting the piercings get them in a size that will fit your face.

Cute girl. Oversized piercings.
2012-02-24 09:44:55
Unicorn.Cureurface[Report] Score: -5
Loose the shirt and nobody will pay attention to the nose ring. Show the Nipple ring and nobody will notice anything else.

J/k do what makes you happy, it's what life's all about.
2012-02-23 18:39:04
Leviathan.Catnipthief[Report] Score: -9
2012-02-23 17:53:52
Cerberus.Irohuro Montrer Score: -12
haters gonna hate, do whatever you want.
2012-02-23 22:43:18