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JP so leet bro -.-
Score: 2.31
Votes: 35
Classification Player » Bimbam
Date Submitted 2012-02-22 21:08:37
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Commentaires (10)
Lakshmi.Dragoncloud[Report] Score: 11
I hope all of his 99 jobs aren't decked out in perle and amemet mantles!
2012-02-22 22:39:14
Leviathan.Bimbam[Report] Score: 8
Hmm, perhaps (and I find it unlikely) others servers are not the same, or I was somehow mysteriously cryptic. But the Japanese on Leviathan will not so much as reply to anyone English no matter how hard you try to use auto-translate. In fact they actively refuse to use it in their own shouts presumably to deter you even asking in the first place. This issue was substantially less on Remora where everyone seemed to (mostly) get along.
While one could conjecture this is down to xenophobia or some inherent hatred of auto-trans, I find it more plausible they simply consider themselves generally better at the game. "What I am doing here" is providing evidence this is obviously not always the case.
At the end of the day, the title was nothing more than mildly malicious sarcasm. Probably due to currently being ignored by ~80% of the people on-line in the time zone I now inhabit (moved to Australia).
Was that really not obvious?
2012-02-23 07:44:35
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: 3
Yeah I hear you Bimbam, it really disgusts me. They don't bother at all to auto trans, I even sent like two of them a tell out of spite saying "[please use the auto-translate function]" and was ignored lol. I don't get why they are like that...
2012-02-23 16:28:55
Siren.Thebeano[Report] Score: 1
At least this JP has Rajas/Brutal, seen much worse on English speaking players
2012-02-23 03:03:41
Quetzalcoatl.Roark[Report] Score: 0
i understand half of this
2012-02-23 07:20:01
Bahamut.Daehan[Report] Score: -1
Funny to me Generic doesnt understand the idea of generic gear... also I give it a 10, a $&#@ING 10.
I know just what you are talking about.
2013-03-13 17:01:13
Bahamut.Vagrua[Report] Score: -2
some ppl don't have the means to upgrade their gear. i can't imagine what ppl would be wearing if SE wouldn't have introduced the abyssea armor sets although it probably would be much worse.
2012-02-23 02:28:16
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: -3
the more text the more elite.
2012-02-22 21:52:13
Quetzalcoatl.Generic[Report] Score: -6
There's non JP players that have the same level of gear if not worse than this :/ I don't get what your doing here
2012-02-23 00:52:13
Shiva.Aisukage[Report] Score: -8
Ive never met a JP who thought they were better then anyone else. I actually know quite a few really nice JPs. the only reason your saying this is obviously because thats what you think about JPs, not everyone elses opinion. So sort your own ideas out before posting nonsense like this.
2012-02-23 12:09:54