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Screenshots » id:63917
Finally ; ;
Score: 8.55
Votes: 49
Classification Player » Pandorrra
Date Submitted 2012-02-07 19:43:50
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Commentaires (9)
Shiva.Keyera[Report] Score: 9
RMT Banned the next day.

On a serious note, congrats =D
2012-02-08 00:01:33
Asura.Stryger[Report] Score: 5
I don't have merits in DEX, however i don't see anything wrong with this, seeing as her/his main 3 jobs by the looks of it are THF, NIN, and DNC.

Also Grats on crafts.. im .7 from 100 cooking.. stupid dragon meats.
2012-02-08 14:11:24
Quetzalcoatl.Alfinia[Report] Score: 3
Good job!
2012-02-07 23:26:18
Carbuncle.Lunk[Report] Score: 3
2012-02-08 00:44:58
Odin.Godofgods[Report] Score: 1

Since you have nothing left to lvl, i feel bad for ya. Ill tell ya what. To make you happy, you can lvl my fishing if youd like! :p
2012-02-08 17:18:01
Lakshmi.Brolli[Report] Score: 0
dex merits, to be a flirt with accuracy
2012-02-18 04:54:15
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl[Report] Score: 0
Impressive indeed

Also, dat ***
2012-02-08 10:22:53
Bismarck.Sylow Montrer Score: -11
DEX merits? Really?
2012-02-08 12:13:58
Asura.Vrytreya Montrer Score: -17
How do you get 111 base DEX?
2012-02-08 02:40:57