@Slugg Back when BSTs could actually use Charm on mobs, before Abyssea made it JUGS ONRY.
Though alot of the newer mobs in old zones are charmable, prolly won't ever see a BST that needs to use a charm set again, thanks to Yuly and Falcorr ._.
I've been a crafter for a bit now a HQ when your underleveled never happens..... 95.1 skill cap 100 item thanks for throwing me a bone SE. 60% moon, darksday, westerly direction (HQ), friday the 13th and adv. synth support no guild items
@Fiendishone obviously I didn't literally mean it never happens....I am showing a picture of it having happened. It has happened to me once leveling bonecraft and 4 times in GS. Just was saying it was a rarity way to be a *** champ.
@Seyton,Yajirobe & Kingbarossa tyty
@ Teysa you are correct and the other end of that is it really, really likes to break and lose items as well.