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quick dump your saevus pendant so it sells first!
Score: 3.16
Votes: 25
Classification Player » Skadoosh
Tags saevus pendant orz
Date Submitted 2011-12-18 19:09:48
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Commentaires (6)
Bismarck.Evilsuperman[Report] Score: 11
Why would Eureka buy one of these for 2.3 mil and then sell it for 400k shoulda just kept it..
2011-12-19 05:07:49
Fenrir.Skadoosh[Report] Score: 3
@Kongming I don't really care - mine won't be up for sale. I understand the incentives of undercutting, I just found it intriguing that it was done to this extent.
2011-12-19 03:53:22
Bahamut.Cuelebra[Report] Score: 1
Why would u dump Saevus when it deals more damage? Ever heard of precast? That or jeweled collar with +3 fast cast.
2011-12-18 21:00:41
Bahamut.Vaashe[Report] Score: -1
Looks like Yeubw is the c-c-combo breaker!
2011-12-20 17:01:25
Shiva.Narkash[Report] Score: -9
MAB has diminishing returns, that's why. >_>
2011-12-20 00:43:40
Ragnarok.Kongming Montrer Score: -10
you honestly expect 12+ people to wait in line on an item that sells far less than 1 per day and not one of them opt to cut their losses?

whatever planet you're living on, it sounds lovely
2011-12-19 02:58:20