Checking log... no circles around damages... scenery tells me its not in abyssea... hawt damn its a SS about a treasure drop... WOOOOO! Ok seriously congrats on your item :o)
I have more then enough gil to buy it, but why waste the gil and then afk in town for those 9 days, this i actually gave the game a purpose for me again, Abyssea made everything to easy, this was an actual challenge. Also it would kinda defeat the purpose, buy one then the next 5m gil profit you make from cooking was just to cover the cost of the katana. thats how i see it anyway.
0/254 trying to help my LS mate, he bought a Blau back in the day when they were worth 2mil from the mythril beastcoins we collected while there. I hate this NM.
I'm kinda lucky as i've gone 1/1 on so many NMs with ridiculous droprates but couldn't get that thing to drop for life of me.
In the end i bought it for 2m but i have to say it's the best 2m i've ever spent and it serves me well!
But sincerely, congratulations on getting the drop!! ^^