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Screenshots » id:62554
This is one of the many tattoos angelos bought me :D
Score: 6.15
Votes: 27
Classification Player » Angelos
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Date Submitted 2011-11-28 21:04:06
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Commentaires (3)
Asura.Jadecc[Report] Score: 2
I think the face looks pretty amazing actually, especially for a tatoo
2011-12-02 11:00:20
Sylph.Aldric[Report] Score: 0
as much of a zelda fan as i am (getting the triforce tattoo myself) that face looks more like a skyrim dark elf :(
2011-11-30 17:22:32
Bahamut.Angelos[Report] Score: -2
After you start getting tattoos you will learn pretty fast that it is next to impossible to really nail faces with tattoos. Have you ever seen those mexicans that get their kids faces somewhere on their bodies? Have you ever noticed now much those kids look like they have down syndrome? Same concept. I had to rework the face so link didn't look like a Moa Moa....
2011-12-01 00:12:24