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Honesty and courtesy at its finest! Thank you Liyro.
Score: 8.72
Votes: 99
Classification Player » Semiazas
Tags Auction House Screw-up Bid
Date Submitted 2011-10-06 12:36:16
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Commentaires (11)
Fenrir.Evildemon[Report] Score: 12
I would have laughed, Cause i've done it and didn't get it back. Personally its a video game if someone wants to give it back good for you. If not well sucks to be you but OH WELL... its not the end of the world
2011-10-06 20:39:59
Bahamut.Daehan[Report] Score: 12
Good hearted yes, but saying that honesty would be negated because someone wouldnt give you gil back after your negligent purchase would be incorrect. The liability rests on the negligent party, and the individual that chose weather to or not to give back gil would remain just as honest either way. There was not trickery here.
2011-10-06 16:08:02
Bismarck.Afkman[Report] Score: 10
Not too long ago i found an l. jade in a guy's bazaar for 10.5k, so like anybody else i purchased it. Shortly after he was mad. Moral of the story, don't screw up. Also if you do, don't ask for the money back, learn from your mistakes.
2011-10-06 13:52:37
Asura.Starkzz[Report] Score: 7
Did you blow him off after?
2011-10-06 16:51:27
Bahamut.Bojack[Report] Score: 3
I could see adding an extra number by accident for 70k, but 700k, damn...were you drunk? lol
2011-10-06 18:49:13
Lakshmi.Kolvar[Report] Score: 1
I have sent gil back before the person even caught me online before. I would hope someone would be willing to give my gil back if I make a mistake, so I just do the same for others.
2011-10-11 00:31:10
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: 0
How do you make a mistake like that?
2011-10-06 13:51:40
Fenrir.Mtmoogle[Report] Score: -7
There are nice ppl everywhere. its just nobody will notice them untill they need something...
2011-10-06 16:16:53
Siren.Victoriousslash[Report] Score: -8
Yay nice people are out there^^
2011-10-06 19:37:55
Siren.Semiazas Montrer Score: -13
Yes, yes I was... but that is besides the point!
2011-10-06 21:42:15