I wish Garuda's 2 hour could do this much /sarcasm i had a revitilizer i figured, why not go ahead and throw the only other reason we 2 hour in here >_<
PDodge is only good for certain things, and even then gets blasted through pretty easily. PDodge only works on regular melee attacks, not magical or ranged. Considering that, PDodge is still useful to an extent, but not as amazing as it was way back when.
Hrm... I would have to agree a lot of 2 hours need some updating, especially now that Tabula Rasa is kind of ridiculous. Do I want Wild Card/Soul Voice or Embrava? I'll take Embrava, thanks. <_<
Nin, blm, blu, sam, war, sch (now), mnk, whm, dnc (under oh ***moments), thf, cor. all these jobs have very useful 2 hours that i don't see any problems with people that play them...
Useless 2 hours : RNG. RNG's 2 hour is utterly worthless because WS will usualy always do more then it... i cannot speak for PUP and BST since i don't play those.