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Screenshots » id:60920
Score: 8.02
Votes: 45
Classification Player » Neonegeo
Date Submitted 2011-09-18 19:24:16
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Commentaires (6)
Phoenix.Dabackpack[Report] Score: -3
"You must wait longer before repeating that action"

I bet you were excited about getting 100 :D Good job.
2011-09-19 12:28:46
Fenrir.Jmr[Report] Score: -4
Grats! on 100. Now do fishing :p

I kid cg taru
2011-09-19 14:15:21
Shiva.Xellith[Report] Score: -5
You are a better than than I to do goldsmithing. Bet that took a while.
2011-09-19 11:31:10
Phoenix.Artificalmonkey[Report] Score: -5
wooo no more millions to be wasted away into the never forgiving goldsmithing
2011-09-19 16:34:47
Bismarck.Kuroganashi[Report] Score: -7
2011-09-19 16:36:58
Odin.Godofgods Montrer Score: -16
congrats taru!
2011-09-19 13:32:35