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Screenshots » id:60793
Score: 8.84
Votes: 80
Classification Player » Bruno
Tags Mercy Stroke
Date Submitted 2011-09-13 13:49:41
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Commentaires (7)
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: 22
There was definitely no mercy for you here... This is why we don't taunt mystical weapons acting of their own accord kids.
2011-09-13 15:54:23
Siren.Dekka[Report] Score: 12
I also love tards that make assumptions based on nothing at all..

Was a very funny moment, first time fighting animated dagger since the dynamis changes so didnt know what to expect. Realized it was going to be a cake walk so started ***talking for a bit of fun. Animated dagger got angry and spammed mercy stroke and darkness SC ftw :D Karma never hurt so much!
2011-09-13 23:33:41
Siren.Bruno[Report] Score: 11
@Nekonarf Art's been playing since about '02ish <.< he was obviously joking, lol.
2011-09-13 22:16:49
Siren.Shinshi[Report] Score: 5
tihihi yea karma is a ***** like that!
XD lmao you so had that coming to you Dekk ;)

:o i also really want that app that lets you see players from other server's playtime and ingame expierience from just a screenshot, even if it's obviously bugged! Where do you get that?
2011-09-14 14:39:29
Cerberus.Aeil[Report] Score: -3
more inb4..
2011-09-13 18:31:25
Leviathan.Catnipthief Montrer Score: -17

You know it's gonna happen, your just in denial if you don't think it will.
2011-09-13 16:29:38
Ragnarok.Nekonarf Montrer Score: -25
I love tards that were abyssea raised, learn your place.
2011-09-13 21:56:11