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Screenshots » id:60663
Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Why is only the black one sleeping?
Score: 8.38
Votes: 34
Classification Player » Trogdoor
Date Submitted 2011-09-09 03:04:17
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Commentaires (6)
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: 11
because it's the only lazy one.
2011-09-09 10:57:39
Cerberus.Deadplaything[Report] Score: 7
cuz black ones dont have jobs?
2011-09-09 22:23:39
Siren.Stunx[Report] Score: 3
2011-09-09 12:38:10
Fenrir.Evildemon[Report] Score: 2
Wojo that's racist!
2011-09-09 14:38:09
Cerberus.Wojo[Report] Score: -6
Lets hang it from those trees!
2011-09-09 11:20:49
Bahamut.Angelos[Report] Score: -7
Cause it's the only other fat guy with a really tiny head.
2011-09-09 17:02:01