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Screenshots » id:59944
Score: 3.11
Votes: 46
Classification Player » Soulas
Tags New Tarus
Date Submitted 2011-08-15 19:25:25
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Commentaires (10)
Odin.Javelinx[Report] Score: 8
your taru has a molestache
2011-08-15 20:23:22
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: 2
FFXIV "How cluster *** can we make the UI?"
2011-08-16 04:11:22
Fenrir.Gradd[Report] Score: 0
2011-08-15 20:51:58
Ragnarok.Shadowknoll[Report] Score: 0
lolololol so creepy and epic.
2011-08-15 23:07:11
Siren.Thoraeon[Report] Score: 0
Baronz Vongigglypants?
2011-08-16 01:46:39
Leviathan.Miera[Report] Score: 0
Yoda with a Mustache?
2011-08-24 17:57:00
Bismarck.Dracondria[Report] Score: -7

He moved everything around, it doesn't look like that normally.
2011-08-16 05:36:56
Valefor.Rancor Montrer Score: -10
FF14 is such a joke the texture artists went around painting cheesy mustaches on all the tarus? Wow. Sad.
2011-08-16 02:47:01
Odin.Blazza Montrer Score: -10
@Dracondria: Yeah, but it's not THAT different from standard set-up, it's almost identical to mine because there's only so many places you can put everything.

Not that the clutter bothers me though.
2011-08-17 04:35:10
Ifrit.Arawn Montrer Score: -12
Fun fact: In 14 you get to actually customize your interface. Imagine that.
2011-08-17 12:54:35