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Excalibur 8/4/11!! Special thanks to Idevlboy, Shwagiedo, Mertz, and Pepsico for making this possible! Also thanks to Terminus, Shames, and Darkshade for loaning currency!
Score: 6.11
Votes: 38
Classification Player » Jailbird
Tags Look its cropped this time :D
Date Submitted 2011-08-05 15:15:57
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Commentaires (8)
Fenrir.Azazael[Report] Score: 4
And that Excal will cry itself to sleep every night.
2011-08-06 14:28:47
Bahamut.Atoreis[Report] Score: 1
Gradd's comment is actually retarded. Not only because it's his money and he decide what to do with it but also because Almace is better sword for PLD 95% of the time and RDM has much better use from Excal because of low att in their capped haste equip and not much option for proper CDC build. (all above is for outside abyssea)
2011-08-07 20:07:50
Lakshmi.Blacklion[Report] Score: -1
2011-08-06 00:05:04
Bahamut.Alukat[Report] Score: -2
cg :)
2011-08-06 05:17:56
Bahamut.Insane[Report] Score: -2
Congrats but its still a waste :( like Gradd said
2011-08-07 00:25:23
Fenrir.Gradd[Report] Score: -3
His Paladin is Level 6, such a shame that Excal is being wasted like that, unless you have plans to level a job that will actually use it properly :(
2011-08-06 19:35:51
Lakshmi.Konvict[Report] Score: -4
Congrats! Now just wait for 99 and watch your relic own!
2011-08-06 11:34:38
Asura.Daleterrence Montrer Score: -12
You are missing 2K off your Buffer... NOOB!

Naw, I kid man, grats on the relic.
2011-08-05 20:58:22