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Screenshots » id:58955
Score: 8.53
Votes: 108
Classification Player » Bruno
Date Submitted 2011-07-15 19:20:30
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Commentaires (10)
Remora.Azildas[Report] Score: 22
Bruno: "What do you mean, 'you're having second thoughts about this...'?"
2011-07-16 09:02:08
Siren.Verona[Report] Score: 7
Tonight... you.
2011-07-16 09:24:51
Unicorn.Marrs[Report] Score: 5
Lol. How can this have a low rating? this is gold.
2011-07-16 05:03:16
Ramuh.Sagittario[Report] Score: 5
10 for the subligar.
2011-07-16 07:08:21
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 4
2011-07-16 05:50:50
Asura.Ericka[Report] Score: 2
Pretty sure shes blushing
2011-07-17 00:10:22
Siren.Dekka[Report] Score: 2
These are the sorts of things that happens when i am made your party leader >:)

Also i love how Keilah is comforting the Xzomit as if that was the previous victim XD
2011-07-21 00:48:52
Siren.Theytak[Report] Score: 0
And this is why siren is the best server. We have the Bruno.
2011-07-20 02:35:10
Odin.Juxtaposition Montrer Score: -10
So if you're a taru, Prishe doesn't count as jailbait?
2011-07-16 11:06:55
Bismarck.Kuroganashi Montrer Score: -23
wow , tarut got my RL name :P
2011-07-15 22:26:33