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Screenshots » id:58092
Blue + TH10 = win
Classification Player » Voidedge
Tags Shinryu
Date Submitted 2011-06-15 12:25:09
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Commentaires (9)
Caitsith.Dohati[Report] Score: 2
bah -.-; like 0/50 on mail </3
2011-06-15 21:33:15
Odin.Voidedge[Report] Score: 0
i was just brewing for friends i got all my drops already ^^
2011-06-15 23:04:54
Bahamut.Samunai[Report] Score: -1
i got TH 11.... blue proc and u know what dropped! nothing >< while i had nothing yet -.- never did it again let others brew and take 2nd handers off em >.>'
2011-06-17 06:17:30
Bahamut.Jobice[Report] Score: -1
I hate you that is all...
2011-06-18 07:01:53
Cerberus.Irohuro[Report] Score: -2
hell yea rainbow thread!
2011-06-16 03:59:18
Carbuncle.Lokodi Montrer Score: -12
If only TH10 seemed to really make a huge dif all the time =/ /thf seems to be just as efficient lately with procs now-a-days.
2011-06-15 20:07:43
Asura.Vyre Montrer Score: -21
>_>; Not to be a joy kill, but this happened the first 4 times me and my buddies did the fight. Congratulations though! Big drop pool is always awesome!
2011-06-15 20:05:13
Leviathan.Draylo Montrer Score: -27
This is actually pretty common, the only reason most don't see it is because they already have all the items except the mail so they get nothing.
2011-06-15 23:45:09
Bismarck.Kuroganashi Montrer Score: -30
...... mail ; ;
2011-06-15 21:03:07