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Screenshots » id:56463
half way there stage 1 :) <3 solidneku, kywin, kaymat
Score: 3.37
Votes: 27
Classification Player » Burke
Date Submitted 2011-04-24 22:12:02
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Commentaires (7)
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: 3
One thing you must take note of;

If you are looking for people to cheer you on, FFXIAH is not that place. Your Linkshell will do a much better job, trust me.
2011-04-25 11:34:04
Gilgamesh.Burke[Report] Score: 3
no, not even 80, sorry. i thought maybe showing something like this in the hard work me and a few friends have put in lately would maybe out shadow something like seeing 10 different angles of someone holding a kannagi.. guess i thought id get some motivation D: guess not
2011-04-25 02:02:26
Gilgamesh.Kaymat[Report] Score: 3
Slow and steady always wins the race!
2011-04-25 04:10:22
Odin.Headstrong[Report] Score: 2
Glavoid is such a pain >< i remember how happy i was when i was half way done too lol
once you're at big moth everything will be a lot better :3 /cheer
2011-04-25 04:27:07
Cerberus.Dualbox[Report] Score: -2
Look at all the *** I give.
2011-07-31 14:14:59
Leviathan.Draylo Montrer Score: -15
This isn't SS worthy, sorry.
2011-04-25 10:20:39
Ifrit.Zerovirus Montrer Score: -20
Not even 80?
2011-04-25 01:19:19