Highest PR yet, 300%, Baying Moon/Beyond/Ultimate. Was brewing Raja, did better than I expected at 28k/100 TP D: Since the other one decided to mess up >.>
That damage is rather high from what I calculate... wonder if wiki has info wrong on PR... most I'm calculating is 44.5k with just what you said. With killer instinct and light day and +10% dmg axe and drink it's about what you got.
Without knowing why it was doing more dmg not sure if I can compare them... but you should be able to do 80k+ with splitter at 300% with same setup sorta and the thunder dmg atmas instead of baying moon/beyond. Just remember pretty much any nm in abyssea worth brewing is going to take significantly reduced dmg from magical ws period.
Well I can probably do some testing on it myself soon since my bst is 74 now