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Screenshots » id:55152
Seek n Destroy
Classification Player » Lumixx
Date Submitted 2011-03-16 10:23:07
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Commentaires (4)
Caitsith.Finzenku[Report] Score: 22
Aim for the pld so that you can get another sam!
2011-03-16 11:30:29
Odin.Skeero[Report] Score: 6
As you can see the pld doesnt have hate, so i guess you can say the sam is getting hit a lot harder than the pld.
2011-03-16 13:28:10
Cerberus.Sephrin[Report] Score: 1
Why are those mages in range?! They're gonna get s'ploded.
2011-03-16 15:08:42
Cerberus.Leoxtribal[Report] Score: -6
Outside abyssea. Idk if you know anything about it, probably not, but sams get hit harder than plds here. You may ask "Outside abyssea... wtf is that!?" It was where the game started.
2011-03-16 12:54:24