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From gimp to pimp in 1~2 weeks! OmgRubyLight's first empyrean, grats Peajay!!
Score: 1.38
Votes: 47
Classification Player » Darkultima
Tags Screw Ya Carabosse
Date Submitted 2011-02-07 14:31:53
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Commentaires (10)
Ragnarok.Nemesio[Report] Score: 31
Perle hands and feet, and an 80 Masa, wheres the pimp?
2011-02-07 16:49:33
Cerberus.Kvazz[Report] Score: 22
Masamune does not make you pimp.
2011-02-07 16:58:18
Bismarck.Rinomaru[Report] Score: 4
Armageddon ....
2011-02-07 16:41:54
Phoenix.Naratu[Report] Score: 1
Serano you're an idiot. Suppa is pretty much the only earring worth getting now.
2011-02-07 22:22:31
Asura.Tristean[Report] Score: 0
Why do linkshells think making people "pimp" is cool. This isn't MTV's "Made".
2011-02-08 11:06:30
Asura.Ludoggy[Report] Score: -2
Serano calling anyone bad when we'd prefer him using a cure bot instead of playing is laughable.
2011-02-07 23:52:28
Shiva.Sleih[Report] Score: -3
I just hope he doesn't TP in the AF3+2 hands...
2011-02-08 10:31:59
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] Score: -4
Dear lord, so much elitism over something so.. well stupid. You'll realise when you stop playing and take a step back. Just be happy for the guy, and shut the hell up.
2011-02-08 12:54:14
Asura.Darkultima[Report] Score: -5
Ill explain what's going on lol.
@Nemesio hands are town stuff, and feets are, infact, ace sabatons.
I recruited this guy about 2 weeks ago, since there was alot of work on it, we started to pimp him immediatly.
When i recruited him, he was a full perle SAM, using fangs earrings, potent belt, amemet mantle etc.
2 weeks later, this result.
Completed CoP for him, got him AF3+2s, masamune, and a tons of various crap we got along the way.

@Xenophire, *** you.
2011-02-08 04:07:25
Asura.Serano[Report] Score: -5
@ Nara dude learn to read he uses a Iga Earring i was saying Suppa was better. and ludoggy go fail some more please and since you are on the subject of botting, almost all of your ls is fail even with a bot. LOLMB! now please go use that fish bot somemore.
2011-02-08 13:40:09