Dear lord, so much elitism over something so.. well stupid. You'll realise when you stop playing and take a step back. Just be happy for the guy, and shut the hell up.
Ill explain what's going on lol.
@Nemesio hands are town stuff, and feets are, infact, ace sabatons.
I recruited this guy about 2 weeks ago, since there was alot of work on it, we started to pimp him immediatly.
When i recruited him, he was a full perle SAM, using fangs earrings, potent belt, amemet mantle etc.
2 weeks later, this result.
Completed CoP for him, got him AF3+2s, masamune, and a tons of various crap we got along the way.
@ Nara dude learn to read he uses a Iga Earring i was saying Suppa was better. and ludoggy go fail some more please and since you are on the subject of botting, almost all of your ls is fail even with a bot. LOLMB! now please go use that fish bot somemore.