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Thank you GekkoGo for Hvergelmir (85) <3
Score: 5.23
Votes: 44
Classification Player » Girlygirl
Date Submitted 2011-02-05 19:25:35
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Commentaires (11)
Bismarck.Girlygirl[Report] Score: 5
@300tp @0 MP I restored 1,069 MP.
2011-02-06 06:41:13
Phoenix.Dooom[Report] Score: 2
It inspires massive amounts of nerd rage. *** the QQ, grats on getting it!
2011-02-06 12:50:54
Ragnarok.Chimerawizard[Report] Score: 1
well, with 60% mp restored at 1069: total=1782.

With the 5tp/tick atma and if you actually remember to ws: that amounts to 17.8mp/tick refresh.

I would have to say it's a very nice staff for summoner since slow: supperior doesn't mean anything to us.
2011-02-06 14:38:35
Bismarck.Pimpjuice[Report] Score: 0
congrats. :)
2011-03-03 23:32:03
Lakshmi.Caolan[Report] Score: -1
@Dasva, well considering Sedna (Big NM Story Boss for Vunkerl-[A] and items needed to upgrade staff ) drops Items needed to upgrade AF3 gear to +2 for all you know, she could have taken the drops from an LS event that was set up for all members to get AF3+2.

Ignore the negative comments, grats on the Empyrean Girlygirl
2011-02-07 04:03:16
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: -3
So.. does that Occ. Double Damage apply to your avatars, and nukes and stuff? if so pretty bad ***.
2011-02-06 12:19:08
Alexander.Aisukage[Report] Score: -7
Looks like a waste of time to most now but no one knows what may happen in the next upgrades to 99. Its a cool looking staff and im sure alot of fun to have. Then when it ends uo being one of the best staffs in the next few updates enjoy. :P Lets just hope thats the case and SE doesnt try to *** you over with shitty upgrades but anyways CONGRATS!
2011-02-06 13:47:01
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: -8
Occ deals double damage.
2011-02-06 04:11:47
Ramuh.Lilsanchez[Report] Score: -9
Lol Failstaff

Don't listen to them, Jesus loves you.
2011-02-06 12:45:50
Asura.Planet Montrer Score: -10
What does this thing do again... o.O?
2011-02-06 03:44:16