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Thank you to everyone on Asura who came on my runs, everyone who supported me and a special thanks to those you see in this picture who helped with the final push! God Bless all!
Score: 3.26
Votes: 46
Classification Player » Malekith
Tags Malekith, Almace
Date Submitted 2011-01-18 17:31:01
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Commentaires (9)
Ragnarok.Lagunabel[Report] Score: 1
2011-01-19 07:50:41
Asura.Dawnsohma[Report] Score: 0
2011-05-12 04:10:01
Cerberus.Wolfshadow[Report] Score: -3
Such a dirty ***' cheater :)
2011-01-18 18:17:34
Ramuh.Rustytiger[Report] Score: -4
@Malekith First off ,congratulations. I know how much hard work is put into things like this on the game.

Secondly don't let the internet trolls get under your skin. Let 'em drown in the hateraide. You earned something you worked hard at, therefore you deserve it. If people want to not unerstand this and be jealous, too bad. They have an issue they can get a tissue.
2011-01-19 09:14:44
Asura.Rinkydink[Report] Score: -5
Grats Mal.. seen the ***you put up with in shouts
2011-01-19 02:55:21
Cerberus.Nekdal[Report] Score: -6
im gonna say this before Flion does! Haters gonna hate~
2011-01-18 19:53:31
Bahamut.Ceviilla[Report] Score: -7
2011-01-18 20:09:54
Asura.Angelswrath[Report] Score: -8
Congratulations!! :D

- - Done with absolutely NO bribery... hater ;)
2011-01-18 19:29:15
Asura.Malekith Montrer Score: -10
For those @sshats who wrote something cute, belittling or smug and realize their comments aren't posted anymore or that they were blocked... all I can say is you're jelly! Keep posting the comments! I'll take them down when I see them and I'll laugh at how mad you notice your masterpiece of haterdom has been whitewashed... Haters gonna hate, but like hell I'll let their comments muck up this page...

On a serious note, I'm glad to see that atleast some people realize this WAS an accomplishment.

Unlike some that play this game, I don't have an alt or a collection to 2box, 3box or even 4dbox as I know some people have. As for friends, I have them. However, I don't beg for help. If it's given, it's done so freely. I know people have better things to do in game than slave grind helms. It'd be selfish of me to bother people with it. I ran shout parties and am proud of it. The people coming wanted to be there. Thank you asura, thank you friends. I'm not here without you all!
2011-01-19 05:50:02