If you or your alliance already had all the common drops (Cape/Belt/Neck) then they would not drop again, Meaning this pool could likely have held those three items and you just got the normal bumfuck-blue drops... I.E: Cape/Neck/Belt only.
Thats the only possibility i see in this if Blue was triggered, As i'm more than 99% positive Blue on Shinryu promises 1 Drop, But as with most "BLUE AND NO DORPS" Screenshots, the people in the alliance probably already had the "Common" Drops.
Kirana.. blue does not mean in any way shape or form that you will get decent drops.. proced blue every single shin fight and only had 1 mail, 1 helm and 1 cloak... i guess you need glasses to see the SS..
i actually got NO drops today. solo proc'd blue with arching arrow, killed him off with flaming arrow. only shinryu item i have is the belt. stingy ***