"WHM and MNK duo this with very little effort if no effort at all, how in hell did you wipe......?"
Probably cause a single person giving a monster very little TP is easily managable. Also healing a single person makes it much easier not to get enough enmity to take hate. I assume there was 3, possibly 4 fighting, with TP spam and Blizzaga IV maybe too much quick damage for the healer to handle. I've duo'd lots of things with Nin/dnc and a healer very easily that a full party or more seemed to do quite poorly lol.
I usually don't check the actual mail 1) because I have to go to POL to check it, and 2) I've forgotten the ridiculous mail password I was given for the POL mail years ago. (I switched computers after one crashed and had to re-enter most of the info)