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Screenshots » id:51489
Iratham Full
Score: 5.46
Votes: 24
Classification Player » Illyst
Date Submitted 2010-11-23 17:47:08
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Commentaires (7)
Bahamut.Illyst[Report] Score: 10
someone who has drk and pld
2010-11-23 22:16:33
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: 3
@Angelos Who really benefits out of this ring more than a DRK or a PLD?
2010-11-23 22:05:24
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] Score: 0
Hurray for Iratham!
2010-11-24 03:07:32
Gilgamesh.Ravenlokk[Report] Score: -2
Its incredibly narrowminded to think only pld and drk benefit from meridian ring lol. Have you guy's ever been to abyssea? You do realize the cruor and atma buffs are a % that factors in gear right....?
2010-11-24 00:48:32
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: -3
@All of you, the Ring is useless for PLD anyway, INSIDE ABYSSEA, that is.

What with you simply CLICKING OFF YOUR HP CRUOR BUFF = Free Cure Cheat macro. When you Click off yoru HP buff, it removes it, then reapplies it, giving yourself ~800HP To cure back. best cure cheat you can get.

HP+ Cure cheat macros are a thing of the past inside Abyssea, post 91~ (When Abyssea 'may' be over, with Heroes coming out now with 90 cap) it might change, But as of right now, the only thing that ring is good for is a strong HP Build, and since you should never, ever, ever full time HP+ Gear all the time on any job, PLD included, It's not a good ring for Inside Abyssea.

Even considering Spirits Within, its not worth it, gets resisted on every mob worth-while.

OUTSIDE of abyssea, Its a fantastical ring.


OUTSIDE OF ABYSSEA, it's a different story, Inside Abyssea, its garbage.

Timarli + Aquiline are still boss drops. Congrats.
2010-11-24 10:43:51
Bahamut.Angelos[Report] Score: -5
@Ravenlokk Its incredibly narrowminded to ever think that abyssea is the only place ppl still do events. Factor in that non abyssea events you dont get crour and atma buffs. *** nab
2010-11-24 10:28:15
Cerberus.Mitsukai Montrer Score: -11
Too bad that ring is absolutely useless is what I'm sure you mean to say.
2010-11-23 23:42:59