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Screenshots » id:51448
Went back and colored in paint; the snow and everything was done pixel by pixel not "Cloud" Sorry it's not great
Score: 6.85
Votes: 20
Classification Player » Chibikuma
Tags Fan art
Date Submitted 2010-11-22 21:10:14
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Commentaires (3)
Alexander.Orenwald[Report] Score: 1
It looks awesome! you should do me next.


That came out wrong... but for reals, do one of me... maybe with a Cyndaquil.... pimp
2010-11-23 16:23:52
Shiva.Darkshade[Report] Score: 0
This image hosted on deviantart.
2010-11-23 07:04:34
Alexander.Chibikuma[Report] Score: 0
DaemonDeDevil on Deviantart is me it's stated in the ID of the site
Watermark is to protect my work, no matter how bad a drawing is it can still be stolen by anyone.
2010-11-23 10:30:28